söndag 12 augusti 2012

The Sims: Medieval

I have to admit that I've spent the last 10 hours with this game. It is extraordinarily easy, but rather fun.

The pondering king

Master of the trade

måndag 6 augusti 2012

World of Warcraft: Vanilla & Burning Crusade

I thought I would treat you to some old pictures I have had on my computer, and the computer before it, for a long time.

Hiking Mr. Wiggles

Death by orc, T minus 20 seconds

Telling stories of old

söndag 5 augusti 2012

Dear Esther

These pictures are from PC game Dear Esther. If it really is a game is debatable, but the fact that it is utterly beautiful is hard to argue. 


The Ray of a Sun

Spears of Gaia

Sight I

Sight II

When Life is Fleeing


I have always been an explorer. When playing games, I run around looking at the environments rather than trying to find people to kill or coins to collect. My main World of Warcraft character has the title "the Explorer".

I also love photography. I'm not necessarily very good, but I enjoy it. 

So why not combine these two hobbies, I thought. There are others that have done this before me, but I hope I can add something to the world anyhow. 

I will not edit the pictures in any way - everything you experience in this blog you can go out and see for yourself (if you find the events and views I have caught, which will probably have a varying degrees of difficulty).

And, of course, there might sneak in some spoilers here and there. I apologize for this. I also apologize for the game copyright owners for showing people how their games look, if that is to be considered immoral in any way.

I sincerely hope that you will enjoy what you find here.
